Monday, June 25, 2012

22 Weeks!!

It's been a while I know...I tried scanning the ultrasound pictures but it wasn't very successful (I was trying to do it without cutting them but now I have an album for them so I can cut them & will get to it soon)!!Now down to business...we had another ultrasound last month & it's official...we're having a BOY!!!! Everything looked great & he's growing right on point!! So to me this means that he's probably not going to be as big as Ayden but only time will tell!! Today I'm 22 weeks & he's been moving around for about a month or so now!! I can't pin down his sleep schedule but he has days where it seems he never stops moving & other days where I get freaked out as he doesn't move much at all!!I'm doing ok, my headaches have slowed which is SOOOO NICE!! I'm still tired a lot but keeping up with a toddler can wear anyone out!We've registered this weekend at buy buy baby!! So if you want to buy anything for us...this is a great place because they have better stuff & lower prices than Babies R Us.
Well that's all for now!! I will try to keep this more updated!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

1st Trimester screening

Well we had our 1st Trimester screening done Tuesday (after a long Monday morning trying to take care a an outstanding bill I didn't know I had)!! We FINALLY got to see the baby!! The lady asked us if we were interested in finding out the sex of the baby (or really her guess since it is still a little to early to tell! Though she was accurate last time) & of course we said YES!!! Well we all pretty much all saw that it was most definitely (or at least that's how it looked) a boy!! A BOY??? WHAT??? I was almost SURE it was going to be a GIRL!!! I was a bit disappointed at first when I thought it was a girl but then started to get use to the idea & actually really was hoping it was!! But even though I'm still in bit of a shock...I'm really happy weather it's a boy or a girl!! As long as it's a healthy baby!! So another boy...well this is going to create another name war!! Jeremy & I pretty much had a girl name picked!! It wasn't 100% decided but we were pretty much 95% at least on the 1st name!! Boy's names are so much harder!! UGH!!! Well we have to wait for the results of the blood test & my Dr will probably go over the ultrasound with us but everything seemed to be normal & fine!! At least in the head region (which is what I ALWAYS look at now after Caitlynn...I now know what to look for)!! They did a 2D & a 3D scan so to me everything looked good!! I did a side by side comparison with Ayden's profile ultrasound (still on our fridge by the way...I never took it down & it was done right around the same time) & the new baby's & they almost look identical!! I will post the pictures they printed for us once I get them scanned!! The baby was freaking me out a little at the beginning of the ultrasound as it was NOT moving AT ALL but once she kept the wand still enough for me to look...I saw the heart pumping & I was able to relax (which wasn't long after she started) & of course we got to hear the heartbeat (161 bmp)!! Well that's really all for now!! I see the Dr. in 2 weeks so I will have more then!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

On another note....

Just wanted to put this out there since this is kinda like my pregnancy journal....The pharmacist was right about these prenatal vitamins the Dr prescribed me. So he told me that they could cause nausea (like I wasn't dealing with that already) & he said a good time to take them is when I normally take night before bed!! I have some food in my stomach so I thought I would be fine...NOT!!! I've been taking them as prescribed but I don't like the feeling I get!! I guess tomorrow I will eat some crackers with my tall glass of water after taking them!! I hope that will help some!! Last night wasn't as bad as tonight but I didn't like that feeling at all!!


So I'm sitting here at the computer (all done playing games on Facebook) & looking at all my tabs & see "Baby Girl Names" on one of the tabs I have open!! I was looking at them the other day when I was playing around on this forum called "the bump"!! Well to get to the point of why I'm posting this...I'm just kinda bored & looking at my tabs for something to browse...I open the "Girls" (I do have one for boys too though according to the Chinese gender calendar...I'm suppose to be having a girl) tab & I immediately get intimidated!!! Why? You may ask?? Well as most of you know, I was dead set on Emma when I was pregnant with Ayden & said from that moment on...that the next baby we have, if it's a girl, her name WILL BE Emma!! Well now that the moment is here...I'm now not so sure! I'd like to explore my options (again)! Again you may be thinking WHY???? Especially since picking Ayden's name was difficult & filled with drama between Jeremy & I!! Well, the reason is, is that I just want to be SURE that this is in fact the name I want!! THERE'S SOOOO MANY NAMES to choose from though!! This can be daunting!! I wish there was an easier way! The "name search" on these sites online are sort of helpful in the way of narrowing down regions but I wish there was a simpler way like maybe take common names from all regions & do like a top 100 or something or have a top 100 (or 50) in just separate regions (so maybe I won't have to see a name like "Una" for Irish names...I'm sure they might like it but it's not for me)! I dunno...maybe I'm just being difficult & whiny!! Maybe I should just suck it up & look or settle with my original decision (which history proves that I do always go back to my original decision)!! And with that being said...I will end this rant of mine!! Wish me luck on this!! God help me though if we end up with a boy!! We all know how difficult that was last time!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I FINALLY had my Dr. appt today!! I called them 2 weeks ago but apparently they don't see anyone till 10 weeks (today I'm 10wks 2days) now?! Last time they said new patience's got seen at 9 weeks so I thought his current patience's got seen earlier!! Oh well the day finally came where I got to see the Dr & confirm what we already knew & got to hear the heartbeat!!!!! He said it was still a bit early but we might get to hear it today!! It took a while to find & when he found it, it sounded so far away but don't care...all that mattered was that he found it!! :)  He said it was 175bmp if I remember correctly?! I know it was in the 170's for sure! And of course since we had that issue with Caitlynn...we're getting the 1st trimester screening done in a few weeks (they have to schedule it so as soon as I know I will update you)!! They will do a blood test & an ultrasound (which this thing with Caitlynn is kind of a blessing in disguise because I get to see my baby so I did with Ayden)!! Then I think it was again around 16 or 20 weeks where I get the 2nd trimester screening done & we'll get to see the baby again!! Also we'll get some done from the Dr.'s office too when he wants them done!!
I really can't wait for an ultrasound because I LOVE seeing the baby!!!
As far as I go...well morning sickness comes & goes!! Ayden had a cold all last week & now has given it to me!! (YAY ME!!) My back is hurting on my left side but I think that's due to the cold & the bad sleep I've been getting!! Other than that...everything is good!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Not much to report

Just checking in with you to tell you there's not much going on!! I still haven't gotten a chance to get to the Dr. but they probably wouldn't have seen me till at least last Monday (possibly later)!! With Ayden they made me wait till I was 9 weeks!
Only thing new is that my pants are already snug & I have bouts of nausea!! Other than that...nothing really!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Cramping today :(

I'm feeling quite a bit of cramping so far this morning!! I'm sure it's just normal but for's a scary thing!! Everything came together so perfectly...if everything goes right Jeremy will have his October baby!! So just like with Ayden...I will worry about this baby from now we ever stop worrying? Every cramp or pain will scare me till we have the baby!! This will be our last baby so I want everything to go very smoothly!! I wish that I could shout this from the highest mountain tops but past experiences have made this rough for not only me but Jeremy too!! He doesn't communicate these fears with me but I'm sure he's worried too!! One miscarrage & what happened with Caitlynn will do that to ya though!!
Well that's just my rant for today!! Thanks for reading!!